Welcome to Parentally Challenged, documenting the daily struggles of raising two boys without a handbook. It's amazing what happens with no sleep, discipline, patience or time on our side. All we can do is laugh, and enjoy the ride...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kindergarten - The Beginning

So Owen and his Mommy have successfully (I guess that term is relative) survived the first couple days of Kindergarten! Like a good Mommy, I packed Owen a healthy lunch for him in his Iron Man Lunch Box, complete with reusable ice packs to keep his food fresh and cold. Mrs. Kibler, Owen's teacher, had told me instead of sending Owen with milk money each day, it was much easier to fund his "account". Great idea! I send the child to school with a check for $25 - sure to last awhile since it was only for milk each day. And we specified WHITE milk, stay away from the chocolate and strawberry. I'm trying here, people! Roger and I raced to school after his first day, so excited to see how it went. Owen's all smiles, and extremely talkative, telling us all about his day, showing us his bookbag, including his lunch box with - his lunch still in there. "Owen, what did you have for lunch?" "Well, I had a piece of pizza, then I went back and got another piece. Then, they were also having fish sticks, so I had some of those too." *Sigh* "What color milk did you get?" Pause. "White..... and it only had a little bit of sugar in it." Wow. The child thinks the cafeteria is a buffet. There is no telling how much of my $25 I have left in the account.

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