Welcome to Parentally Challenged, documenting the daily struggles of raising two boys without a handbook. It's amazing what happens with no sleep, discipline, patience or time on our side. All we can do is laugh, and enjoy the ride...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Milk Money

So Kindergarten is going well, although we are having a hard time disciplining Owen and his milk money. After a long long LONG discussion last time about going back to the "buffet line", we made it clear (or so I thought) that he was only to buy milk each day for lunch. Lord knows I pack him more than enough food. I sign into his account to find he's been buying both breakfast AND chips along with his milk. Really, child!? "Owen, why did you buy breakfast today?" Look of panic and silence...."Um, how did you know that?" "I'm your MOTHER, I know everything!" God... did I really just say that? When did I turn into my mother? Next thing you know, I'm going to be telling the lad to go for a brisk walk. Another look at his account today and he has bought chips along with his milk the last two days. This boy is in trouble! I'm also foreseeing the future of an unorganized kid. And those who know me know this is killing me. He's already lost his daily binder he's supposed to take to and from school along with his library book he got from school last week. Please don't let him be "that" kid. I will not be able to handle it. There IS one cute thing he did this week. Thursday night, he says he wants to make a card for each of the TWENTY FOUR kids in his class. He asks me for index cards and crayons and I set him up at the dining room table thinking this is never going to happen. He proceeds to draw a picture of each kid in his class, puts them in his bookbag and hands them out on Friday. Now, does that make up for the chips at lunch? Not so much, but it's pretty darn cute...