Welcome to Parentally Challenged, documenting the daily struggles of raising two boys without a handbook. It's amazing what happens with no sleep, discipline, patience or time on our side. All we can do is laugh, and enjoy the ride...

Monday, February 14, 2011

E.R. The Sequel

The day was Wednesday, Februray 9th. Just after dinnertime. In the mail, was a bill from Owen's visit to the ER last month. $515 due. Roger and Owen are playing soccer so it's just me and Tate hanging out. It's bathtime so I take the bandaid off of his toe that I put on the night before after his bath. It looked like he had a small bruise on his big toenail and it was bothering him. Bandaid off. Infected toe on! Probably one of the most nastiest things I've had to deal with (thus far) as a mother. I make a quick call to the neighbor for a second opinion. She suggests I call the on call nurse. Thank goodness I did - I watch the toe turn purple and fester as I am on the phone with the nurse. Redness infection is creeping up his foot. Guess where we're headed! Roger and Owen head home and I quickly ship Owen next door for a sleepover with Nini. TGFGN (Thank God for Great Neighbors!) Five hours later, antibiotic via IV, draining of nasty toe gunk, and $7 of quarters in change from the stupid unmanned parking exit, we are out of there. Waiting for bill number two and praying this will keep us satisfied for the time being.